Category: Smash Or Pass
Smash Or Pass: Summer Love
Let's call Tinder what it really is...a hook up app. The problem is, people feel so ashamed to admit it, the only way they are willing to put a profil ...
Smash And Dash Or Pass?
Tinder has changed the hookup culture drastically over the last few years. One thing I've noticed is that the urgency to meet, date, and hook up while ...
Smash Or Pass 21
Tinder works like this as a man You swipe right on every single woman Once you matches come in, you decide how you want to approach them. If they are ...
Smash Or Pass No. 10
Tinder has become an essential part of every single person's day. It's what you do while driving, working, laying in bed, watching TV, and you do it b ...
Smash Or Pass: Hot August Nights
While working on this post, I was trying to think of the worst Tinder date I have been on and it was difficult. I'm usually pretty good for the first ...
Smash Or Pass From The Weekend – moved
If you're like me, then you spend all weekend getting drunk, swiping right and hopefully having unprotected encounters with the female kind. The great ...
Tinder Smash or Pass: Morning Glory Edition – moved
Every morning I sit on the crapper and swipe through Tinder. Every woman should take solace in the fact that if we match on Tinder, odds are I hit tha ...
The Women of Tinder: Smash or Pass – moved
We're back for another edition of smash or pass where everybody gets to pretend like they aren't just swiping right without looking until they run out ...
Smash or Pass 8 – moved
Swipe left on some and right on the ones you like or swipe right on everything and decide after the match if she's worth the effort. Everybody has the ...
Smash or Pass 7 aka Smashmageddon – moved
We're going to try to start doing these on a weekly basis. If any of the female fans are confident enough, snap a screen capture of your Tinder/Ok Cu ...

Smash Or Pass 6 – Women On Tinder – moved
All 3 up in the featured image, smash, smash, smash (in that order). There is a tricky one in this dump, I'm just going to say "Pass." and you can tr ...

Smash or Pass 5 – Women On Tinder
This is the most fun thing on the Internet, judging people you'll never meet and deciding if they are smashworthy on based on a picture and short abou ...

Smash or Pass 4 – Women On Tinder
Everyone's favorite game, since the dawn of Internets there was Hot or Not, and since then the game has evolved into an actual real life decision: Sma ...
Smash or Pass 3 – Women on Tinder
Time for another round of Smash or Pass, as always, the answers are provided below the photos. We try to pass as little as possible, because smash is ...
Smash or Pass 2 – women on Tinder – moved
Time for another round of smash or pass. Our answers are below each photo, and we're usually pretty generous with the smashes (for the one above - sm ...