Category: Articles

Feeling Myself: Inside These Walls
It’s not about you. It’s about masturbation. There’s not a thing in the world that tops the feeling of feeling myself. While the sensation of sex is a ...

Girls Suck
I can’t help but feel bad for you men. Why? Because you have to date women.
I have a hard enough time finding female friends that are up to my standa ...

A few online dating tips for women…
if(window.proper_display) { proper_display('tastelessgentlemen_content_1'); }
1. Stop using group photos as your primary profile image. Why you ...

You Had A Kid; You Didn’t Cure Cancer Or Establish World Peace – moved
Yeah, that’s right; you did what every single warm-blooded human being on this planet has been doing (or trying to do) since they discovered that thei ...

Author Introduction: Chelsea
My name is Chelsea Heil, and you best believe I'm a fuckin' lady. I've always had an offensive sense of humor, so naturally, what these tasteless gent ...

Alcohol, The Cubs and bad bets…
“Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut”
- Ernest Hemingway
When the first pitch was thrown of ...
Ten ways to keep your man happy
Ten ways to keep your man happy...
When he gets home from a long day of work, just be quiet.
After sex, be quiet.
When he’s up early i ...

“Strong Independent women”
Strong Independent women
(Each characteristic lifted from an actual article and the description rewritten by yours truly)
1. They don’t neglect ...

‘I just want a bad boy!’ Just stop… – moved
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard a female utter the above phrase in reference to the fact she’s grown weary of dating “good guys” ( ...

Grandma knows you’re a whore!
Common sense isn’t common, and grandma thinks you’re a whore
A few years back, I coined the phrase “Common sense is not common.” I sincerely doubt I ...

When Women Ask Why Men In Relationships Jerk Off, Show Them This
When women ask why men in relationships still handle their business...
show them this!
I don’t honestly prefer handling myself to intercourse. It ...

Dear Santa…
‘And when Santa squeezes his fat wide ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse!’
Acc ...

Guys, enough with the bro shit! Acceptable concert/festival attire is as follows…
Here’s a list of the only acceptable concert/festival outfits for guys
jeans (less than 1 hole in them)
t-shirt (less than 20% of the front ha ...

The Facebook page “The Tasteless Gentleman” triggers me!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
This is makes me laugh! How ridiculous can you be... don't like it, don't look at it, so ...