Category: Memes

Memes Not Safe For Facebook
NSFW. Some memes are just too spicy for our timelines. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but peopl ...

Don’t fall into these traps that women like to set
Women will literally take any single issue, and blow it into something above and beyond what's logical. Dishes in the sink leads to, "who is that IG ...

Girl gives advice on how guys should take a self-D
This is some solid advice from a girl who has probably received at least 356,827 self-Ds, aka. Ms. S3nd Nud3s, explains how to show it off in a way th ...

Daily Dank Memes: Giving Me The Will To Live, One Day At A Time
Taking it one day at a time... DANK MEMES MATTER! Stay savage ladies and gents... "You must be the memes you wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi ...

Cringe that hurts the eyes
The internet has done many great things for society, but the down side of the internet is that it has exposed us to the unbelievably cringey things pe ...

Smash Or Pass 6 – Women On Tinder – moved
All 3 up in the featured image, smash, smash, smash (in that order). There is a tricky one in this dump, I'm just going to say "Pass." and you can tr ...

Trash Doves – moved
There's a sure fire way to guaranty something goes viral, say it's racist. This is the new helicopter rides, the new Hitler memes and somewhere some ...

Dank Times Call For Dank Memes
We live in dank times... so we should call for dank memes! Come one come all to the dank meme show, you will not be disappointed, unless you're soft, ...

70’s and 80’s Cringe
Here's some vintage cringe, mostly stuff that's best left in the original decade and only makes a comeback in post-2000 cringe galleries.

Robert Graves is the greatest troll on the internet
The thing we like about Robert is that he finds Brendan's triggers and he continually pushes his buttons. I would love to have someone care so much a ...

Here's another great set of examples about why the invention of the internet and then the invention of the digital camera have ruined the world. Get ...

90’s Cringe
Historians tell us that cringe is something that we first saw in the early 90s, when florescent colors were all the rage, and some of the 80s Disco cu ...

Cringe Is A Full Time Job
The cringe galleries keep us more busy than any other kind of meme, because some people literally make cringe a full time job. Here are some of those ...

Spicy Times Call For Spicy Memes
Nothing better than ending a weekend with some memes that are too rough to put on our Facebook timeline or Instagram feed. Enjoy. We really hope you ...

Not A Cop – moved
Sometimes you're suspicious that someone might be an undercover cop trying to entrap you, and then sometimes, you're 100% certain that someone is an u ...