Tag: tasteless memes
Savage And Spicy Dump
It's a wild world out there right now. We have an orange orangutan as president fanboying over Putin. White women getting shot by the police. A female ...
Big Random Dump
How many hours left until the weekend? It never goes fast enough. The last office job I had I would spend the last two hours of work drinking just to ...
Super Spicy Lunch Dump
I'm feeling spicy today. Not the kind of weak, Tapatio, Cholula, spicy, but I'm talking ghost pepper, Habanero spicy. The kind o spicy where you can't ...
Large Dose Of Savage
I'm talking about all the way to the top, yeah. I'm justifiably in a position that I'd rather not be in. But the cream will rise to the top, ooh yeah. ...
Savage Fan Submissions
One unfortunate truth about Facebook is that what we post to the fan page will undoubtedly get reported regardless of what we post and things which do ...
Dank Or Savage? Y Not Both?
With a limited amount of time in the day, one of the toughest choices we come up against is whether to look at dank memes or savage memes. But we say, ...
The Struggle Is Real – moved
Due to a sever lack of our links to our sites showing up in people's timelines, we've been trying a few different things to try to help with our abili ...
Memes From My Phone – moved
Eventually it will happen to all of you. Error: Low Disc Space (on your phone). So in order to make sure these memes live in infamy instead of meeti ...
46 Dank Memes: This Is Where The Fun Begins – moved
Don't let these memes distract you from the fact that on this day, in 1997, the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention went into effect, outlawing the produ ...
38 Savage Memes: Hump Day Never Felt So Spicy – moved
Don't let these memes distract you from the fact that on this day, in 1865, the U.S. Army soldiers cornered and fatally shot John Wilkes Booth, the as ...
30 Savage Memes: Chicks Love Memes – combo
"Memeing, n.: The art of pretending your life is going great but really posting your true feelings, and exposing them to the critic." -Ambrose Bierce

September 2013
Ok, now we're at a 4-5 meme per day model and the savagery is in full swing. Take a walk with us down memeory lane.
This site has been rendered us ...

Dank Times Call For Dank Memes
We live in dank times... so we should call for dank memes! Come one come all to the dank meme show, you will not be disappointed, unless you're soft, ...

Spicy Times Call For Spicy Memes
Nothing better than ending a weekend with some memes that are too rough to put on our Facebook timeline or Instagram feed. Enjoy. We really hope you ...

Suuuuppppeeeerrrrrr Savage
Taking a break from cringe to give you some savagery. We hope you enjoy these memes while you're waiting for the next bronies vaping in fedoras dump. ...