If He’s Not Dating You Properly, Don’t Date Him At All – A Men’s Rebuttal

If He’s Not Dating You Properly, Don’t Date Him At All – A Men’s Rebuttal

  1.  The right guy will make you feel excited every day.  


“When you meet the guy who truly knows how to date you properly, he’ll make you feel excited for each and every day you get to spend with him and you shouldn’t accept anything less. Life is short and real love is totally worth waiting for. You don’t need to bide your time with mediocre bozos who are only out to satisfy their own agenda by lifting as few fingers as possible to get there.”


No he won’t.  If this is what you think, you will continue to be disappointed by every guy you date.  Take your average, boring, mundane day.  Now put a boyfriend on the couch next to you.  That’s a relationship.  A relationship is when you decide who you want to sit around and be bored with.  Life isn’t a romantic comedy so you better get used to a relationship being time spent next to a guy farting on the couch.  


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