If He’s Not Dating You Properly, Don’t Date Him At All – A Men’s Rebuttal

If He’s Not Dating You Properly, Don’t Date Him At All – A Men’s Rebuttal

  1.  How he dates you is how he will love you – pay attention.  


“The way a guy dates you in the beginning sets the tone for how he will treat you for years to come. If he can’t make the effort to communicate with you thoughtfully or plan real date-like activities for you to do together, chances are he won’t be raising the bar anytime soon. You get what you allow out of love, so if he’s not making things feel even remotely romantic, he’s probably not looking for anything serious and he’s probably not the right guy for you. Tread carefully.”


Whenever I date a woman who prioritizes what we do on the date over the importance of actually getting to know each other, I immediately lose interest.  Again, many of these women place more value in these meaningless, arbitrary dating rules then the act of getting to know the person they’re dating.  Maybe if the focused more on getting to know the man, they would know if he’s right for them or not.  


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