Grandma knows you’re a whore!

Grandma knows you’re a whore!

Ladies, here are a pair of tips to help both you, and I (your friendly nightlife photographer), build a relationship in which we’ll actually want to see one another again after our first “encounter:”

1) If you don’t want to appear a whore on the Interwebs, then don’t do whorish things for the camera. Sure, it’s fun to lick your “bff’s” tits in public, or shove your tongue down your “bestie’s” throat, as I capture the entire classy encounter. We all know you love the attention… Fuck, it’s why I have a job in the first place. But if you don’t want said photos plastered on a public website for all the world to see, including your conservative, redneck grandmother in Oklahoma, then either a) don’t engage in such behaviors in public, or b) kindly request that I delete the images after I show them to you. (And I do show all of my photos prior to saving and posting; ask any one of the thousands of people whom I’ve photographed. In fact, it’s part of the reason why most enjoy my photographic prowess and presence. No, I’m not being a pretentious prick; I’ve been told as much by those I photograph.)

Don’t wait until you’re sober and see the images on a website to get mad at me for uploading what I informed you would be posted from the get-go. (Remember that little card I handed you after I shot you in all your whorish glory? Yeah…) And don’t blame it on the “a-a-a-a-a alcohol,” either. I’ve been obliterated to the point of forgetting my own name more times than I can count, and not once did I think to myself, “Hey, it’ll make for a hilarious photo if I lick my friend’s balls,” or something to that effect. You get the point… or at least you should.

2) Dovetailing from number one… Don’t befriend your family on Facebook. And if you must, then for fuck’s sake alter your privacy settings accordingly. Don’t allow access to anything that may incriminate you or offend the delicate sensibilities of your Oklahoma grandmother. Disable the “tagging” feature so that your “bitch” Jenny can’t inadvertently post those photos of you pretending to fellate a bottle of Veuve.

Thank God most of my family isn’t on Facebook, otherwise I’d have to be the true asshole everyone thinks I am and click “deny” upon receiving a friend request from my own mother. God forbid she sees her first born traipsing about clubs and pool parties, photographing the whorish antics of drunken scantily-clad women.

Common sense may not be common, but let’s all do our part to help remove it from the endangered species list, please. Gracias.image


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    Paul 8 years

    No such thing as common sense, people with sense aren’t common

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    Amandax 8 years

    If someone wants to posts things like that, let them. Some people cant differ sexy from whroisch so they think liking on tits or balls in public is sexy.

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    Amandax 8 years

    maybe you should actual hold conversation in real life with women like this instead of complaining all along online. But otherwise, people usually dont say their opinions in real life.

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    Amandax 8 years

    ”’pool parties, photographing the whorish antics of drunken scantily-clad women.”

    How does wearing a biknini makes you whorisch? or wearing a short skirt? Yeah there are some slutty women, but half -naked men arent unsual either..and wearing a bikini at a pool-party isnt whorisch to me. ”Scantily-clad”…. not every sexy outfit is super skanky. And wearing a scantily-clad outfit once in a month isnt bad either. You complain constantly about how those evil, evil women dare to show off, why? Sure, some of them really show too much and arent sexy but slutty, but why are you complaining?

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