Author: Chelsea
Token Tasteless Gentlewoman.
"All of us are assholes. Some of us are just shittier than others."

Marriage: A Sucker’s Bet
One piece of paper can fuck up everything. It’s very similar to the word “relationship” except on a much higher level, marriage is a surefire way to e ...

It’s about to get real violent up in here. And if you don’t keep up with current events, then you won’t know about the crazy, organized sexual assault ...

Feeling Myself: Inside These Walls
It’s not about you. It’s about masturbation. There’s not a thing in the world that tops the feeling of feeling myself. While the sensation of sex is a ...

Girls Suck
I can’t help but feel bad for you men. Why? Because you have to date women.
I have a hard enough time finding female friends that are up to my standa ...

Author Introduction: Chelsea
My name is Chelsea Heil, and you best believe I'm a fuckin' lady. I've always had an offensive sense of humor, so naturally, what these tasteless gent ...
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