Attagirl!!! You’ve Taken Your Attention-Whorishness To A Whole New Level

Attagirl!!! You’ve Taken Your Attention-Whorishness To A Whole New Level

They match with you because you’re funny, good looking, took a photo in front of a car that isn’t yours, have a six pack, whatever. So you take the proverbial bull by the horns and send a message… never to be returned. And I’m not referencing the douchetards who couldn’t form a coherent sentence or witty remark if their brain cells spontaneously doubled. Those messages SHOULD be disregarded, because, let’s face it ladies, if you fuck a guy who opens with, “‘Sup gurl? What dat mouf’ do?” you don’t deserve a penis the likes of my own.

And I’m not referencing the douchetards who couldn’t form a coherent sentence or witty remark if their brain cells spontaneously doubled

I’m speaking of fine gentlemen like myself, who throw themselves at the mercy of gaggles of self-important brainless women who are seeking nothing more than validation they weren’t provided by their (lack of) father figures.

If all you’re doing on a dating app is seeking attention, at least be honest about it, and write, “Looking for a man who will treat me like I treat my chihuahua, ‘Princess Coco Chanel.'” At least if I read something along those lines, I know the option of me walking you around my bedroom on a leash isn’t off the table. And really, at the end of the day, isn’t that what dating apps are all about?

Happy fucking, kids. 



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    TGApostle 8 years


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    We all know what writing about bedding absurdly smokin’ women means…it only happened on paper.

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