Category: Memes

Smash or Pass 5 – Women On Tinder
This is the most fun thing on the Internet, judging people you'll never meet and deciding if they are smashworthy on based on a picture and short abou ...

Smash or Pass 4 – Women On Tinder
Everyone's favorite game, since the dawn of Internets there was Hot or Not, and since then the game has evolved into an actual real life decision: Sma ...

Cringe Gallery 3
If you're better than the people in these photos, nice work. If you're worse, you should let TTG fans roast you!
if( ...

roastme TTG Edition no2
We put up a template and asked our fans to post their pictures and get roasted, thousands were brave, and this is our second batch of Official TTG/roa ...

roastme TTG Edition no1
We put up a template and asked our fans to post their pictures and get roasted, thousands were brave, and this is our first batch of Official TTG/roas ...

The Thin Red Line Supporters
Ungrateful Americans really forgot their place in 1776, if the founding fathers had just toed the line and paid their reasonable tax to England, Ameri ...

Super Savage 2017 no4
Our bread and butter right here, Savage Memes, the ones that get us kicked off of Fb, the ones that our fans can't get enough of. If you laugh at the ...

What’s Donald drawing at his inaugural address photo?
The question everyone has been asking, what was DJT doodling in his mole skin notebook?
if(window.proper_display) { p ...

Cringe Gallery 2
This is why you should have a license to have a camera and a separate license for using the internet and a supervisor who can oversee your posts and g ...

TTG Roast Me
Here are a bunch of people in the /r/roastme thread. We'd like to roast our fans since you're all a bunch of assholes who need to be put in their pla ...

Some more totally relevant memes posted in the comments
Don't stop posting memes, we love memes in the comments, half our fans are "just here for the comments" - the memes work even better when they are rel ...

2/10 Would Not Bang
On a scale of 1 to 10, with a cut-off of 3 or better, these are the ladies we had to pass up on. Don't worry, we explained ourselves thoroughly. The ...

Super Savage 2017 no3
Here's another batch of what we do best at TTG. Super Savage Memes - 5 full pages of them...
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Yahoo! Finance Got Off With Too Little Publicity
In case you missed all the hilarious memes surrounding Yahoo! Finance's Freudian slip on Twitter (damn you auto-correct), here's a full dump of the me ...

Our Fans Are Autistic
So the image above is a meme we posted, and it's a great meme, it's terrific. You'd think that when the fans respond in meme (which we love for you t ...