Tag: tinder profiles
Smash or Pass 7 aka Smashmageddon – moved
We're going to try to start doing these on a weekly basis. If any of the female fans are confident enough, snap a screen capture of your Tinder/Ok Cu ...

Smash or Pass 5 – Women On Tinder
This is the most fun thing on the Internet, judging people you'll never meet and deciding if they are smashworthy on based on a picture and short abou ...

More dudes who need to step up their Tinder game
Seriously, all you need to do is not look ridiculous in your profile pic, and have a halfway decent pickup line, checkers not chess...
Tinder Profiles – Smash or Pass? – moved
With Tinder you have 1 photo and about 20 characters to convince someone to give you the benefit of a smash or a well deserved pass. You might be abl ...
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