Tag: tasteless memes

If Savage Was A Meme
If savage was a meme dump, this would be it. This is the kind of stuff we may be able to get away with on fb, but once the report trolls find them, t ...

Super Savage 2017 no12
Another round of particularly savage memes for your viewing pleasure. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy them. If anything offends you, ther ...

Super Savage 2017 no11
Are you ready for it? Like seriously ready for savage memeage. If you don't get this first one, rent the movie 4 Lions.

Super Savage 2017 no8
Savage enough for you yet? We're pretty happy with this one ourselves. But we'll let you decide.
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Super Savage 2017 no6
We're trying to get all our memes up before memes become banned by executive order.
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SJW Cringe 2017 no 2
Round 2 of SJW Cringe, it's going to be a long 4 years if the rest of it goes anything like the first 4 days.
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SJW Cringe 2017 no 1
We're going to start combining the SJW stuff with the Cringe stuff, since it's more or less the same thing + or - my little pony dolls.

Super Savage 2017 no4
Our bread and butter right here, Savage Memes, the ones that get us kicked off of Fb, the ones that our fans can't get enough of. If you laugh at the ...

Super Savage 2017 no3
Here's another batch of what we do best at TTG. Super Savage Memes - 5 full pages of them...
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Joe Biden Wins VP of the Year Again
Nice work Joe, we hope that Pence has memes that are half as funny as your memes.
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Alt Right Dump
It's a little racist, a little ancap, a little libertarian basically the devil. It's also got some We Wuz Kangz! in preparation for black history mon ...

Savage Dump January 2017 #2
It's been a lot of Cringe and Tinder so far this year, time to get back to basics, here's a savage batch of memes...

Cringe Dump 2017
Here is the first cringe dump of 2017, it's got a lot of cringe in it. Make sure you think before you post to social media, the internet, much like y ...

Savage Dump 2017 Edition
Cuck - person who complains that the dumps aren't savage enough with words instead of memes.
The requirement to drive is Orange and above.

Savage Memes Jan 2017
They're saying it's still "too soon for Turkey memes" but that's mostly because the images were so horrific (so there's only 1 in here). You'll have ...