Tag: savage memes

Remember Sweden
Never forget the brave men, women and children of Sweden as they try to make Sweden Great Again for the first time. And don't forget Milo either.

Can’t stop, won’t stop.
This one has some pretty dark memes, we hope you enjoy them. If you don't enjoy them, be sure to leave a mean comment on the post and maybe some tras ...

Savage Memes aka Trash Dovery – moved
There's plenty to offend each and every one of your friends and family in here. Make sure you share this link with them, because there is no greater ...

Because Savage
Tried doing a savage dump without any Trash Doves... massive fail, there's too many Trash Doves to choose from, and they're way to god damn funny.

Memes For Days: We Keep It Savage Round Here Vol. 2
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for memes, ask what memes you can create for your country." -JFK
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Memes For Days: We Keep It Savage Round Here
"To the man who only has dank memes, everything he encounters begins to look like a great place to shit post." —Abraham Maslow
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Memes Not Safe For Facebook
NSFW. Some memes are just too spicy for our timelines. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but peopl ...

Daily Dank Memes: Giving Me The Will To Live, One Day At A Time
Taking it one day at a time... DANK MEMES MATTER! Stay savage ladies and gents... "You must be the memes you wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi ...

Suuuuppppeeeerrrrrr Savage
Taking a break from cringe to give you some savagery. We hope you enjoy these memes while you're waiting for the next bronies vaping in fedoras dump. ...

If Savage Was A Meme
If savage was a meme dump, this would be it. This is the kind of stuff we may be able to get away with on fb, but once the report trolls find them, t ...

Spicy Savage Memes That Melt Snowflakes
We've got a little bit of everything in this one. Some a savage, some are spicy, some are downright mean. But that's what the Internet is here for, ...

Next Level Savagery
We're very excited to bring you, the memes that fb says you can't have on fb. Check out this first reported and then removed as a violation post... i ...

Super Savage 2017 no13
Get your savage on, 4 full pages of it, right here, right now. Enjoy.
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Super Savage 2017 no12
Another round of particularly savage memes for your viewing pleasure. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy them. If anything offends you, ther ...

Super Savage 2017 no11
Are you ready for it? Like seriously ready for savage memeage. If you don't get this first one, rent the movie 4 Lions.