Category: Memes

Cringe Warriors
Here we have the internet warriors and edge lords. The guys who will tip their fedora to m'lady and leave thirsty comments on r/gonewild. Every day ...

Memes For Days: We Keep It Savage Round Here Vol. 4 – moved
“Three things are definite: life, death, and savage memes; and I'm not sure about life and death.” ― Albert Einstein
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‘Murica Dump – moved
Land of the Free, and the home of the most awesome citizens in the world! Muuurrriiicccaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
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Old people who Facebook the right way
Most old people don't know how to Facebook very well, but here are a few examples of those who know what they're doing.
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Women describe the smoothest ways they were asked out
The key is to talk to as many women as possible until eventually you say or do something so smooth, she'll fall for it.

Chris Dorner Memes – Very Tasteless
If you're not familiar Chris Dorner was the guy who went on a shooting rampage targeting police officers and their families between Feb. 3rd and Feb. ...

Memes For Days: We Keep It Savage Round Here Vol. 3 – moved
"Better to remain a weak meme lord and be thought a fool than to never post dank memes and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln
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Men explain the crazy reasons women get mad at them
No guy knows the real reason women get mad at them,so we have to take them at their word. These men explain the various and crazy reasons women have ...

Tinder Excellence
They say women make a decision w/in 5 seconds of seeing a man whether they are a suitable mate or not, on Tinder you get 1 line, choose wisely.
Her ...

Gordon Ramsay roasts people’s bad cooking on Twitter
If you sent a picture of a meal you cooked yourself to Gordon Ramsay, he will roast you so bad you'll give up cooking forever.

When Isht Gets Real (video clips)
I'm not even going to caption these, it's more fun to watch while you try to figure out wtf is going on in each video. We;re sorry we couldn't put th ...

Remember Sweden
Never forget the brave men, women and children of Sweden as they try to make Sweden Great Again for the first time. And don't forget Milo either.

Very Strange Photos 2 of 2 (cringe)
Here is the 2nd part of Very Strange Photos (cringe). It's not your traditional cringe, so we added some commentary so you know how we feel about the ...

Guy pranks L.A. Zoo by putting up fake animal facts
This guy pranks the L.A. Zoo by going around and putting up fake animal facts. The sad truth is, there are probably people that actual believe these ...

Very Strange Photos 1 of 2 (cringe)
A lot of these are somewhere between cringe and straight wtf is going on. They weren't totally cringe, but they certainly aren't normal.
Whe ...