Author: Scoop
Scoop of The Tasteless Gentlemen

The Tasteless Gentlemen Podcast. Episode 32
Episode 32 is up! Bradley, Alex, Scoop and Dom talk dj life, marriage life, and wet dreams... Enjoy!
Stitcher Radio link! Soundcloud link! iTunes s ...

“Strong Independent women”
Strong Independent women
(Each characteristic lifted from an actual article and the description rewritten by yours truly)
1. They don’t neglect ...

Dear Santa…
‘And when Santa squeezes his fat wide ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse!’
Acc ...
New podcast up!
On this episode we talk about Alex's terrible bet, Instagram girls, and last weekends shenanigans! This is the Soundcloud link, but you can also find ...

The Facebook page “The Tasteless Gentleman” triggers me!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
This is makes me laugh! How ridiculous can you be... don't like it, don't look at it, so ...

One of today’s random image dumps!
Building up the meme archive! Add you photos in the comment section.

Nicole Arbour – Dear Fat People
Nicole Arbour nails it with this video. It's less about what she says and more about how people react to facts and take things that aren't directed at ...

5 more days to get your “Stay Tasteless” t-shirt!
Limited edition Tasteless shirt. One time run and only available until Monday afternoon! Get your's now!
Tasteless Gentlemen T-shirt!

Tasteless Gentlemen Podcast – 30
Bradley, Alex, Scoop and D talk about ex-girls friends, ass or tits, and drunk girls! ...