Tag: savage memes

Close Encounters
If this happens to you, don't stop and take pictures, just run. #thetriggering
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Super Savage 2017 no1
This week in savage memes, we've got all kinds of content in here, shootings, kidnappings, whatever seems funny.
Sanders Vs. Trump
Opps, b ...

Cringe 3 – 2017
I'm just going to keep throwing these up until everyone pukes. There are cucks here. They're everywhere. Keeping the cringe strong for 2017.

The Tasteless Gentlemen – Episode 59
On this episode of The Tasteless Gentlemen Podcast Alex, Dom and Scoop are back in the studio with Professional Dominatrix, Miss Blair Winters (@kinky ...

Savage Dump 2017 Edition
Cuck - person who complains that the dumps aren't savage enough with words instead of memes.
The requirement to drive is Orange and above.

Savage Memes Jan 2017
They're saying it's still "too soon for Turkey memes" but that's mostly because the images were so horrific (so there's only 1 in here). You'll have ...

Super Savage 2017 Edition
Ok 2017, we're about to grab you by the female gender pronoun. Here's some savage for you. It's a good thing there haven't been any attacks this year ...

Divorce Statistics
It turns out people who get married are 98% more likely to be involved in a divorce later in life.
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Happy 2017
We're hoping to start this year off better than Rhonda Rousy, so here's the first batch from 2017 (page 3 starts with a picture that wasn't a meme, bu ...

1 Day Left In 2016
We have a few resolutions we're working on, the most important of which is keeping up the Savagery, keeping you guys entertained, and being the first ...

Start Your Day With Some Savage
Unless you're in AU or UK or somewhere else where it's not morning, then just carry on your day, or use this to wind down your day.

Trying To End 2016 On A Savage Note
Be sure to go back and let us know in the comments if it was Savage enough, but reference SAV2016 so we know you actually saw these (sometimes people ...

Can the savagery continue?
We broke our own website with #RIPAmySchumer post, but that's been fixed and we realize now it was trending on Twitter because people don't like Amy S ...

Millennials Are Wild Part 2 of 2
If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin'
Even if it wasn't would you still come crawlin'
Back again
I bet you would my friend
Again &am ...

Millennials Are Wild Part 1 of 2
There's somethin' wrong with the world today
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes
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