Tag: cringe

Very Strange Photos 2 of 2 (cringe)
Here is the 2nd part of Very Strange Photos (cringe). It's not your traditional cringe, so we added some commentary so you know how we feel about the ...

Very Strange Photos 1 of 2 (cringe)
A lot of these are somewhere between cringe and straight wtf is going on. They weren't totally cringe, but they certainly aren't normal.
Whe ...

Social Justice Warriors VS Logic #13
"Social justice warrior" (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views including feminism,civ ...

Cringe that hurts the eyes
The internet has done many great things for society, but the down side of the internet is that it has exposed us to the unbelievably cringey things pe ...

Here's another great set of examples about why the invention of the internet and then the invention of the digital camera have ruined the world. Get ...

Cringe 2017 no2
You said more cringe, so we gots more cringe for you.
if(window.proper_display) { proper_display('tastelessgentlemen_ ...

Cringe 2017 no1
First numbered cringe gallery, enjoy, but don't enjoy it too much.
if(window.proper_display) { proper_display('tastel ...

To Cringe or Not To Cringe?
Trying to find out if you like us to leave our little assessments above the cringe gallery stuff, or you just like seeing the cringe in its raw format ...

Cringe Gallery 3
If you're better than the people in these photos, nice work. If you're worse, you should let TTG fans roast you!
if( ...

Cringe Dump 2017
Here is the first cringe dump of 2017, it's got a lot of cringe in it. Make sure you think before you post to social media, the internet, much like y ...