Tag: cringe
Cringe x2
Everything is right in the world, except for a select few who just aren't all right. And these are them.
This site has been rendered useless as a ...
Bad parenting done right
People wonder why we have war, suicide, mass shootings and psycho nut jobs running around the streets. It's not difficult to understand why when you ...
Arab TV is wild
People think the mainstream media in this country is out of control. Here's a little perspective of how unhinged other parts of the world are.
The deep cringe
The cringe never ends. I see a lot of weird people throughout the course of my day, but what I really want to know is....where do these people exist? ...
Horrible haircut dump
I really just want to know what these people are thinking. At this point, you've pretty much just given up on getting laid.
This site has been r ...
People are weird: Cringe dump
People think they are weird just because they like cream cheese with their hot cheetos. You're not weird. This is a reminder that there are far stra ...
WTF image dump
The internet is an incredible invention that allows us to connect to information and people from around the world. What we really use it for is findin ...
People make bad choices dump
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin.
Don't believe him? Here's your pr ...

Feminist Fail & Cringe Compilations Give Me A Chubby
"Social justice warrior" (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views including feminism,civ ...

The Cringe
The internet is full of so much cringe. I give up. There's no hope for the human race. Signing off.
This site has been rendered useless as a means ...

Classic Ali G Show – Best Of Compilation
This is classic Ali G and Borat at his best! Movies tell only half the story. Stuff from the show was the best! Below are times for clips.
if(windo ...

Things that are difficult to look at (cringe)
These are either incredibly wrong or slightly off. Either way it makes me angry or disgusted looking at these.
This site has been rendered usele ...

Maximum Cringe
Here is where the cringe goes. All the cringe you can handle. Learn about self-marriage, a fancy ice cream scoop and of course a lot of fedoras and ...

Social Justice Warrior & Feminist Meltdown Compilation #4
"Social justice warrior" (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views including feminism,civ ...

Cringe Warriors
Here we have the internet warriors and edge lords. The guys who will tip their fedora to m'lady and leave thirsty comments on r/gonewild. Every day ...