Memes we can’t share on facebook

Memes we can’t share on facebook

We get photos removed constantly by Facebook. Here’s another collection of memes that have been removed for savagery.



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    bakuhatsu 9 years

    lol what the fuck- most of these are hilarious!

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    Duane 9 years

    I’m currently sitting in Facebook jail for 7 days because some fucker reported me on your page.

    • Scoop

      Is this the DUANE!? If so, you are my favorite FB commentor. I steal your memes all the time. And, I know the struggle. I was hit with 4 back to back 30 days bans. Luckily I can use a friends account.

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      30 days here. My 25th banning, though three of them were overlapping.

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    Nibar 9 years

    I was wondering why you guys stopped being so savage, fucking SJWs are ruining the internet.

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    Kit 9 years

    These were all amazing!

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    Really? The phaggottes banned these? Because I posted some of those without trouble, then got banned for something entirely different.

    Everyone’s in favor of dead baby jokes. But when you talk about using airliners to knock them out of skyscrapers, suddenly you’ve gone too far.

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    Skitz69 9 years

    I also am doing hard time (7days) in Facebook jail thanks to some DOUCHE your page worth it though ?

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    Art Juevos 9 years

    Yeah? Facebook decided to ban me and they demand that I send them government I.D.

    Right now we are approaching a year. Don’t think conservative.

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