Come Back Game Strong

Come Back Game Strong

But did it hurt?

Maybe…just maybe, you shouldn’t use recycled jokes and pickup lines.  Just ask Amy Schumer how that’s working out for her these days.

If you how tall a guy is, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Finally, that’s something I can do for a woman.

This is actually a solid comeback.  I’m impressed.  Although, I have a feeling she’s said it multiple times since multiple guys use the same lines.

This is what happens when you use horrible pickup lines.  Just stop doing it.  It’s making all us men look bad.

I don’t speak emoji.  Sorry.

This is just pathetic.  100 percent pathetic

Very solid.  Very very solid.  This is how it is done.

That actually doesn’t sound like a bad time.  As long as I don’t have to clean up the mess.


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