Category: Memes

Next Level Savagery
We're very excited to bring you, the memes that fb says you can't have on fb. Check out this first reported and then removed as a violation post... i ...

Deep Thoughts From The Shower
Some of life's biggest questions happen when you're in the shower. And some of my best ideas also happen in the shower.

1 Star Uber Rides
I've only heard of one 5 star Uber ride. A friend of mine was taking an Uber home from a night of drinking and rolling so he was overly chatty with h ...

I hate my neighbors
Sometimes you're dealing with an out of control neighbor and it takes every fiber of your being not to catch a murder charge. And sometimes, you have ...

The best of FML according to fml
I agree, your life sucks or You deserved it. No, seriously FML.
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The Real Housewives Of DC
It's like The Real Housewives of Atlanta meet Penthouse magazine at an Illuminati mixer.
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Hilarious Fake CDs
So this dude went into a CD store, and put a bunch of fake CDs on the shelf to confuse the customers. I'd have to say if I was a customer, I might bu ...

Star Wars Memes
Here's some Star Wars memes. I always liked Deep Space 9 more than Enterprise. #triggered
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Kids Test Answers
These kids are making memes before they are old enough to do actual math. We have a lot of respect for kids who are willing to sacrifice a Harvard ed ...

Super Savage 2017 no13
Get your savage on, 4 full pages of it, right here, right now. Enjoy.
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SuperBowl LI – Here’s The Good Ones
The last one was just a starter post, this is the full version with all the best the internet has to offer!
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Trump Valentines Day Cards
These are some sweet valentines day cards, best wishes from Donald Trump.
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RogerSimon10 Knows What’s Up – moved
This guy tackles some of life's biggest questions with pure eloquence. He's like a modern day Dr. Phil.
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Unfortunate Headlines
Sometimes you have to ask yourself... what was the editor thinking when they approved this headline? This is not to be confused with fake news (which ...

New trending hashtag on twitter, thanks for February being Black History Month #PenceBlackHistory
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