Category: Memes

Bootleg Deep Dish?
Please God please let this be real. I hope the discount is great and the pizza is greaterer.
This site has been rendered useless as a means of pro ...

August 2013
In August of 2013, things start getting a little savage. Before this, we kept it pretty PC, but once we saw how popular savage was, we never looked b ...

Things that are difficult to look at (cringe)
These are either incredibly wrong or slightly off. Either way it makes me angry or disgusted looking at these.
This site has been rendered usele ...

Rad Signs / Flyers
Our hats go off to the creators of these sweet signs / flyers. You did it for the comedy with no way of knowing if people would enjoy your sign / fly ...

More Deep Thoughts From The Shower
These are the kind of thought provoking shower thoughts that prevent you from fulfilling life goals.
This site has been rendered useless as a means ...

July 2013
We must have taken a month off here, because July 2013 only has 19 memes posted to Facebook.
This site has been rendered useless as a means of prov ...

June 2013
We've been having some fun the last few years, and we're trying to share the stuff that recent fans might have missed. So here's a time warp back to ...

May 2013
It's a little bit of cringe, a little bit of savagery and a lot of it is still funny today. These are the images we posted on FB in May of 2013, plea ...

Maximum Cringe
Here is where the cringe goes. All the cringe you can handle. Learn about self-marriage, a fancy ice cream scoop and of course a lot of fedoras and ...

April 2013
Curious what kind of memes we were posting back in April of 2013, here's a batch featuring some vintage memes.
if(win ...

Roman meme dump
Memes from an absolutely barbaric and savage times. They said Rome is burning and that's because it was fucking lit.

We Also Have An IG
This is a little recent stuff from IG, you need to follow us on every social network to get the full TTG experience.
@subway WHY ARE YOU CUCKS ...

Guys who are using Tinder the right way
If you don't have good looks, a good job and a huge fuck stick, the only way to a woman's heart is humor. Here are a few examples of how to use humor ...

Antique Roadshow Value Proposition
Today people will find out exactly what their useless hoarded trash is worth. From the first gay vase to a new step dad, you'll see how special your ...

My teacher uses a really strange hall pass
When your teacher wants to make sure the only place you're going is to and from the bathroom, they give you over sized and/or strange hall passes.