Category: Memes

Like Random Batches Of Memes?
What's better than fresh content? Randomly selected content from the archives. So here's some randomness for you.
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This is the future liberals want
This is the future that SJWs and liberal snowflakes are fighting so hard for. The future is now folks. MAGA for Liberals.
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From Siberia With Love
When you live in extreme cold and extreme alcoholism, there will be a lot of inbreeding and you end up with dating sites that look like this. There is ...
Higher Conciousness! – 36 Brain Expansion Memes
“Dank memes are the signature of Higher Consciousness. Absolute savagery is the tool to evolve into the Higher Consciousness.” ― Amit Ray
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Bad parenting done right
People wonder why we have war, suicide, mass shootings and psycho nut jobs running around the streets. It's not difficult to understand why when you ...
27 Spicy Memes! Savage Memes Vol. 15
"Instead of stubbornly attempting to use spicy memes for purposes of subversion, it is necessary to try to make of savage memes something as solid, co ...
VeganMegan trolls a wedding
There's nothing wrong with a Lebanese wedding. I remember when my ex broke up with me because she realized she was a Lebanese. It was a sad day for ...
Savage Memes Are Changing The World
"A meme for a meme only ends up making the whole world raise to a higher consciousness through savage memes." -Mahatma Gandhi
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The Trump Boys collection – moved
You guys remember the Hardy Boys? Well the Trump Boys is the newest thing in young teen fiction and they are going after some pretty serious cases.
Arab TV is wild
People think the mainstream media in this country is out of control. Here's a little perspective of how unhinged other parts of the world are.
The deep cringe
The cringe never ends. I see a lot of weird people throughout the course of my day, but what I really want to know is....where do these people exist? ...
Spicy Italian Memes
Here's something for our Spicy Italian friends (and all the dirt bags at the Jersey shore).
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Random Selection 2
Another totally random batch of images that contain the letter B.
if(window.proper_display) { proper_display('tastele ...

Random Selection
Random assortment of content starting with the letter A.
This site has been rendered useless as a means of providing memes to the masses. In a last ...
Medieval Reactions
These ones are pretty funny, we think this is exactly what the artist intended when they painted them originally.
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