I think we’re dealing with this whole terrorist thing the wrong way. Who actually believes that fear of jail is deterring these sociopaths from following through with their aggressive organized attacks? Clearly it’s not doing a damn bit of good. I think we should stop threatening refugees and citizens alike with our flawed justice systems and start beating the living shit out of them when we catch them acting out. Do you think these attacks in Europe would’ve been as extensive or prolonged if police and civilians started blasting out kneecaps? I don’t fuckin’ think so! My answer would’ve been, “Sorry, son. Jails are full. Looks like you’re gonna have to take some lead in the knees and just sit & bleed this one out.” Maybe it’s the savage German blood in me, but I’m ready to start fighting back. I honestly feel like taking a good old-fashioned ass whooping will straighten these terrorist assholes right out.

Do you think these attacks in Europe would’ve been as extensive or prolonged if police and civilians started blasting out kneecaps?

As my father would say, we need to start riding in on a hundred head of horses with billy clubs waving & batting and commence trampling the bastards. They might do it once, but they’ll never do it again. Sorry I’m not sorry, but if somebody is willing to go to jail or die in the name of their malicious beliefs, you can bet your sweet seditious ass that I’ll die or go to jail in the name of protecting mankind from you.    


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    TGApostle 8 years


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    AW 8 years

    “both Syrian and South African men” Yeah, cool, but to be clear most of them is from Syria and North Africa, I got no clue where you found that South African info…

  • comment-avatar
    Stephen Barnes 8 years

    Basic opinion, by a basic bitch.

    • comment-avatar
      You will call me racist anyway 8 years

      Ignorant opinion, by an ignorant bitch

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    stephen b keefe 8 years

    when are we going to stop saying shit like he was from Syria,north Africa,south Africa or any other fucking place and just say that what these people are doing or have done was and is wrong and they will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, reguardless of what they believe.

    • comment-avatar
      You will call me racist anyway 8 years

      They cannot be punished by the law as they are there illegally without passports or documentation. So far they have actually been protected by the police under Merkels traitorous regime and it has been those who stand up and fight back that are punished. It is an important fact that they are immigrants as there is quite clearly a trend here. Stop playing dumb and look at the facts. Every country that has opened its borders to copious amounts of immigrants has had huge increases in crime and rape. Sweden has rape statistics worse than some third world countries and is known as the rape capital of the West. This is not a coincidence. This is not racist. this is the truth

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    TasteTest 8 years

    Okay, Nazi. I wonder which “bastard” race your father was talking about “riding in on a hundred head of horses with billy clubs waving & batting and commence trampling.” All of them? There’s a difference between tasteless and racist.

    • comment-avatar
      You will call me racist anyway 8 years

      It matters not what race his father was talking about. In fact, Judaism is not a race if that is what you were hinting at. The fact is that right now Germany is being invaded by arabs and africans who are raping and assaulting German women whilst politicians only tell their citizens to stay by a mans side and keep one meter from them at all times. This warning extends even to school children. It is not racist to protect your women and your country from a horde of criminals and rapists. It is racist to laugh along with the politicians as your people are raped, murdered and driven from their homes. Do you really think that because of atrocities committed by the Nazi party (which have been hugely exaggerated) the German people of today should just allow this to happen?

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    Wtf R U High on? 8 years

    This journo needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

    • comment-avatar
      Its not racist..its the truth. 8 years

      why? Because she believes that people that go around in a group gangraping in a country that just welcomed them in, should be punished?

      pretty sure all the cunts that are breaking the laws of the country that is trying to help them should be put down like rabid dogs.

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    Steven E. 8 years

    Seriously. “Journalists” like this are beyond ignorant. It’s just annoying. So you got all steamed up in the moment…….but you think a call to violence is the way to deal with ignorant violent people???? It’s like the parent who hits their kid for hitting someone else. And the “I’ll die and go to jail to protect mankind from you” line??? I’d LOVE to see that!!! How about as a first step, come out from behind your computer monitor and stop writing a bunch of tough guy, “I’ll die for this shit” crap. And stop stirring the pot by pointing your dirty hate filled fingers and trying to incite hatred. Your doing exactly what they do. Idiot.

    • comment-avatar
      Its not racist..its the truth. 8 years

      How would you deal with the rapists? would you be harsher then letting them out when the jails are full? (which is what she is indicating happened) Or would you welcome the people with open arms regardless of how many people they’re about to rape?

      Obv not everyone is a criminal…but the ones that are, should be punished accordingly…not defended as if they, themselves were victims.

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    Tfire Ryses 8 years

    i agree with the journo, these pigs should all be corralled into a rubber boat and pushed out to sea IMHO.

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    Olga 8 years

    that’s human nature unfortunately. We prefer to clean the mess after it’s done, instead of preventing it. I would not be surprised if the autor of this article wrote an article about how we must be solidary with those who crave “safety” because “we’re all human”.

  • comment-avatar
    Olga 8 years

    *wrote an article SOME TIME AGO. sorry, missed some words

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    Felonii 8 years

    I bet Chelsea’s anal game is Syrias, tear that ginger sphincter uppp

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    Raoul Robertinoly 8 years

    Bitch please, clearly you’re practicing poses for when Daquan checks you out while you visit your father in jail after his outlandish drivel gets him double life.

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    Humans 8 years

    some b1t3h got offended and commenting, what happened at their place is not a natural disaster, they choose it through their actions or silent acceptance, few of those terrorist would start doing same here too, and all others would support through silent acceptance. Better solution is to pack this b1t3h with them and drop them in sea. She would love to have a good rape gang bang.

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    Sorry i couldn’t exactly read the whole article; if you could call it that. Throughout the paper there are short fragment sentences, slang and cuss words. I know you “write” for ttg, but the vocabulary and structure of everything is completely awful and pretty much unreadable. What you’re writing about may have promise, but how does that apply to the reader base of ttg; morons. There are no sources of your information just a mention about what happened which is uncited which makes it pretty much worthless even if it is true. Were you ever taught english or journalism at a higher learning institution or are you just trying to take a shot at this and winging it? Either you need to change your dayjob or get better at this because this article is awful.

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    TrueWedgeFuck 8 years

    The only solution to violence is greater violence. You guys who take issue with this article should probably go wash the quart of dried cum out of your beards and loosen your man buns before your rectums become so tight that your bodies violently implode due to the massive negative pressure of your growing anal retentiveness.

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