Drunk Girl Tries To Hijack An Uber and Destroys His Car

Although she is crazy as fuck, and surely ruined her career… I still want to mate with her. Dat ass.

Via CollegeCandy.com

That would be Anjali Ramkissoon, a second year neurology student at the University of Miami, drunkenly attacking an Uber driver who refused to take her anywhere after she tried to jack another person’s ride. In return, she saw it fitting to hit the Uber driver, get into his car, and start throwing whatever she could find.

According to the video’s description on YouTube, police showed up, where they were also greeted with attempts at getting kicked by Ramkissoon. However, the Uber driver decided not to press charges. The man is a saint.

“The Uber driver was too good of a person and decided to take a cash settlement instead of pressing charges. In his words, “…she was crying (and) said (she) was sorry for everything.” I don’t want to disclose the amount the driver was paid, but can say he could only use the money to pay his cellphone bill and maybeee his cable bill.”

Unfortunately for her, some bystanders caught the whole incident on video for the entire Internet to see.

Anjali Ramkissoon (smartly) deleted her Facebook and Instagram accounts, but some photos of her can be seen below.


  • comment-avatar
    Boshua Jrown 9 years

    I mean fuck it I would put my tongue in her butt

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