Tag: vintage memes

September 2013
Ok, now we're at a 4-5 meme per day model and the savagery is in full swing. Take a walk with us down memeory lane.
This site has been rendered us ...

August 2013
In August of 2013, things start getting a little savage. Before this, we kept it pretty PC, but once we saw how popular savage was, we never looked b ...

July 2013
We must have taken a month off here, because July 2013 only has 19 memes posted to Facebook.
This site has been rendered useless as a means of prov ...

June 2013
We've been having some fun the last few years, and we're trying to share the stuff that recent fans might have missed. So here's a time warp back to ...

May 2013
It's a little bit of cringe, a little bit of savagery and a lot of it is still funny today. These are the images we posted on FB in May of 2013, plea ...

April 2013
Curious what kind of memes we were posting back in April of 2013, here's a batch featuring some vintage memes.
if(win ...
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