Tag: SJW

Those 7 Times Dr. Jordan Peterson Went Beast Mode
Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson is outspoken and thought provoking in these seven intellectual "beast mode" moments on free speech, gender ident ...

Ben Shapiro Destroys Every College Snowflake Q&A #2
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Ben Shapiro DESTROYS College Leftist Snowflakes Q&A. ...

Feminist Fail & Cringe Compilations Give Me A Chubby
"Social justice warrior" (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views including feminism,civ ...

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Everybody Compilation: RIP!
Whether you like him or agree with him or not, Ben Shapiro is one of the smartest men I've watched talk about politics period. GET REKT!
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Social Justice Warrior & Feminist Meltdown Compilation #4
"Social justice warrior" (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views including feminism,civ ...

Social Justice Warriors VS Logic #13
"Social justice warrior" (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views including feminism,civ ...

Top 10 Best of Gavin McInnes Reaction Videos: SJW & Feminist Fails
Top 10 Best of Gavin McInnes Reaction Videos: SJW & Feminist Fails
Gavin Miles McInnes is an English-Canadian writer, actor, comedian, co-founder ...

SJW Cringe 2017 no 2
Round 2 of SJW Cringe, it's going to be a long 4 years if the rest of it goes anything like the first 4 days.
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SJW Cringe 2017 no 1
We're going to start combining the SJW stuff with the Cringe stuff, since it's more or less the same thing + or - my little pony dolls.

The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast With Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto who completely understands the SJW culture ...
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