Category: Video

Aladdin magic carpet prank
Jesse from PrankvsPrank created an awesome motorized skateboard Aladdin magic carpet and trolled around NYC. ...

You gotta do whatever you can to gain an advantage
I need a cane, a dog and some sunglasses asap!
Max Jr - Blind for the booty ...

Comedien owns heckler with one line
Comedien Bryson Turner owns a heckler with just one line. ...

Jim Jefferies. God is drunk at a party
Jim Jefferies is one of the best to ever do it. ...

This ad is from the workplace health and safety marketing campaign from Ontario's workers' compensation board... It's probably the most disturbing ads ...

UFO and chill?
Is this a UFO that was caught over LA earlier tonight?

This is what the future of “equality” looks like
Ladies and gents, if we don't fight these social justice warriors, this is what our future looks like... ...

The motorcycling crash compilation had my balls in my stomach the entire time
I don't know how half of these people even walked away from this shit. ...

Guy does Cocaine, LSD, and Ketamine while at work
The greatest part of working a seasonal job is who gives a flying fuck. Getting fired? Don't care. Showing up smashed? Yup. Sexually harass the entire ...

Ronda Rousey vs Feminist Bullshit Compilation
She just keeps winning. ...

This is fucking genius. Bradley Cooper took the world’s most famous selfie. Graham shows him the less glamorous selfie trend that is sweeping the inte ...

Uber driver pepper sprays drunk passenger…
WTF! Fucking turn up for Jesus. ...

This Guy Is A Legend On Multiple Levels
I don't know why you would do this but I love everything about it. ...

Cringe worthy compilation
These clips made me so uncomfortable that I put a hoodie, baseball hat and sunglasses on in my apartment. ...

I love this kid…
Kid throws a basketball at a girl on a bike and she eats it. I'm not saying she deserved it, but she did say fuck you... What do you guys think? ...