Category: Video

Irish Dad has a serious old man moment when he doesn’t know how to use a Gopro during an entire trip
An Irish father and his wife enjoyed a nice vacation around the US. His son let him borrow his Gopro to document the trip but apparently his son didn' ...

Bill Burr on the epidemic of gold digging whores
Hilarious and very true. It's even funnier because the crowd seems uncomfortable as he is dropping truth bombs. ...

Joe Rogan on The PC Police
A few months ago, Joe Rogan had Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitxky on his podcast and they get into the world of PC police and they fucking nail it. ...

Attractive girl asks 100 guys for sex
Girl wants the street asking random dudes if they will have sex with her and reactions are surprising. The most interesting thing about this video is ...

The Amazing Racist asking Jews to sign a petition
Ari Shaffir, Jewish American stand-up comedian, aka the Amazing Racist, asks Jews to sign a petition for killing Jesus.

Headshot Compilation: Balls to the face
This headshot compilation from FailArmy will make your day. I swear, sometimes it's the most simple shit that is the most entertaining. ...

Thug Life Compilation
These "Thug Life" videos get me every fucking time. ...

Dave Rubin on Free Speech, Safe Spaces, and Trigger Warnings
Dave Rubin just gained a fan out of The Tasteless Gentlemen. He nails it on every point.
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The late great Patrice O’neal destroys feminist
In this classic video, Patrice O'Neal destroys a feminist who is trying to argue that some jokes shouldn't be made. As she is making her argument, Pat ...

Epic Instant Karma Fails Compilation
I fucking love when shit just works out like it should. ...

Idiot of the week goes to this guy
This fucking dummy brags about escaping from prison on Facebook which led police right to him.
"Justin Taulbee had been serving time in Breathitt C ...

A man caught in store masturbating to a PS4 screen
via: Complex
"Today on the "weird news" beat a yet unidentified man was caught jerking off in front of a Sony PlayStation console while some presum ...

“BANNED Red Bull Commercial” parody
RackaRacka created one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen and I can't stop watching it.
Bruh! ...

Drake – Hotline Bling Vine Compilation
These Drake hotline bling videos have been making the rounds for a couple of weeks. Someone actually took the time to find the best ones and make a co ...

Drunk woman crashes into the same car twice… The turn up is real
"According to the Police, drunk women smashes twice into the car, almost running over EMS lady. Young mother and two little kids almost killed. Two ot ...