Category: Memes

Close Encounters
If this happens to you, don't stop and take pictures, just run. #thetriggering
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Opening Lines – The Most Important Part
It's super important, if you're not riding an exotic animal, driving an expensive car, swimming in an indoor swimming pool on the top floor of a palac ...
Smash or Pass 3 – Women on Tinder
Time for another round of Smash or Pass, as always, the answers are provided below the photos. We try to pass as little as possible, because smash is ...
Smash or Pass 2 – women on Tinder – moved
Time for another round of smash or pass. Our answers are below each photo, and we're usually pretty generous with the smashes (for the one above - sm ...
Smash or Pass – women on Tinder – moved
There's a lot of different kinds of crazy, and Tinder is no exception, so as you evaluate these women on Tinder, imagine a real world scenario where y ...

More dudes who need to step up their Tinder game
Seriously, all you need to do is not look ridiculous in your profile pic, and have a halfway decent pickup line, checkers not chess...

Dudes who need to step up their Tinder game
Sometimes you match and swipe left, sometimes you swipe right, and sometimes you take a screenshot because no one is going to believe the profile you ...

If STI/STDs were people?
These are the profiles made that personify STI/STDs. It's not hard to figure out how some of these people look like such giant d-bags that their phot ...
Tinder Profiles – Smash or Pass? – moved
With Tinder you have 1 photo and about 20 characters to convince someone to give you the benefit of a smash or a well deserved pass. You might be abl ...

Epic Game Of Tic-Tac-Toe
This kid tried to do something nice for an old lady, but the internet wasn't going to let his good deed go unnoticed... at least 2 people noticed =)

Might want to clean up your room before you throw up the selfies on IG
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, or so they say. This is what happens when you leave your room a mess.
if( ...

Super Savage 2017 no1
This week in savage memes, we've got all kinds of content in here, shootings, kidnappings, whatever seems funny.
Sanders Vs. Trump
Opps, b ...

Tinder Rocks – moved
It has been theorized that women decide weather or not they'll have sex with you in the first 10 seconds, so your opening game on Tinder is super impo ...

Cringe 4 – 2017
There was so much to work with that we had to split it into 4 separate dumps, so here's the 4th one this week. Cringe away.

Cringe 3 – 2017
I'm just going to keep throwing these up until everyone pukes. There are cucks here. They're everywhere. Keeping the cringe strong for 2017.