Category: Memes

R. Kelly
Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. This means you R. Kelly.
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The legend that is Karl Pilkington 2
Everyone loved the first batch of Karl Pilkington memes, so here are a few more that we found to keep you entertained... and if you want more entertai ...

Star Wars Memes
The force is certainly strong with these memes. It's such a shame it was a trilogy instead of a quadrillionogay. We were going to save this for May ...

The legend that is Karl Pilkington
I don't know this Karl Pilkington guy personally, but I have to say that his memes are epic.
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Mounted Flesh Light (it’s my roommate’s I swear)
Sure it is bro, sure it is. Minimally it's a terrific idea that will impress your guests, you know like a fancy hand towel.
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TTG Contributors Savage Dump
So we've been working with a small group of people who are contributing content, memes, articles and hopefully videos. This is the first of many TTG ...

Since when do they have comments here?
We had to take the logo off, because copyright issues, most of you are going to know where these comments are happening. It's our opinion that this f ...

Joe Biden Wins VP of the Year Again
Nice work Joe, we hope that Pence has memes that are half as funny as your memes.
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Alt Right Dump
It's a little racist, a little ancap, a little libertarian basically the devil. It's also got some We Wuz Kangz! in preparation for black history mon ...

Cringe Gallery
It's kind of crazy how easy it is to put together cringe galleries, we barely need to look outside our own friend list to find some of this shit.

Super Savage 2017 no2 – moved
It's time for another round of Super Savage, and we feel like we've done our job pretty well with this batch.
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Make A Wish Mosul
This poor man lost his legs in a tragic chemistry accident. Luckily Make A Wish Mosul was there to help him fulfill his lifelong dream of making a di ...

Rosa Parked
This is a fascinating story about White Privilege - White people, you need to remember... We Wuz Kangz!
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Singing in the Rain
Twitter blew up last night with a story that brings love and joy to the entire internet. No matter what kind of political persuasion, we can all agre ...

Savage Dump January 2017 #2
It's been a lot of Cringe and Tinder so far this year, time to get back to basics, here's a savage batch of memes...