Category: Memes

Short Cringe Dump
Start your day off right by looking at pictures of other people who you are better than (unless you're in here, that would be unfortunate).

Cringe Gallery 5
Some people make cringe a full time job, all you need to do is not wear a fedora, not have a sword and not photoshop my little ponies into your photos ...

Super Savage 2017 no8
Savage enough for you yet? We're pretty happy with this one ourselves. But we'll let you decide.
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roastme TTG Edition no4
The most recent #TTGroastme submissions with some savage roasting, enjoy, and if you want to be roasted, shoot a message to the page with your photo a ...

4th World Hacks
if(window.proper_display) { proper_display('tastelessgentlemen_content_1'); }
if(wind ...

Snappy Comebacks
Don't get caught using the wrong pickup line, you might end up getting savagely burned like some of these people.
if( ...

Things Snow Mexicans Do
We've noticed that our neighbors to the North do things a little differently than we do in the US #justsnowmexicanthings

Super Savage 2017 no7
Had some leftover savagery that didn't fit on the previous dump, so here's a 2 pager...
if(window.proper_display) { p ...

Super Savage 2017 no6
We're trying to get all our memes up before memes become banned by executive order.
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Super Savage 2017 no5
Is this savage enough for you?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

America’s 2 Favorite People
Cash Me Outside, How Bout' Dat Girl and Donald Trump are accounting for 91% of the memes this week...
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SJW Cringe 2017 no 2
Round 2 of SJW Cringe, it's going to be a long 4 years if the rest of it goes anything like the first 4 days.
if(wind ...

SJW Cringe 2017 no 1
We're going to start combining the SJW stuff with the Cringe stuff, since it's more or less the same thing + or - my little pony dolls.

roastme TTG Edition no3
Here's round 3. We got a little lost with all the photos being posted in the comments and the thread getting too big. The OP is pinned to the top of ...

Quotes from your favorite drinks
If Drinks Could Talk, this is what they would be saying to you.
if(window.proper_display) { proper_display('tastele ...